50 Best Topics for Cause and Effect Essay

50 best cause and Effect Essay Topics

Since you are not limited by what you are obliged to write your essay on! In other words, you are free to choose any topic you want. So, if you have a burning question or an interesting story to share – go ahead and use it as your essay topic!


There are a few simple steps that will help you write a great cause and effect essay:

1. Choose a topic.
2. Explain the problem.
3. Establish the cause of the problem.
4. Discuss the effects of the problem.
5. Offer possible solutions.

Some examples of good cause and effect essay topics are:

The causes and effects of the obesity epidemic in the United States
The causes and effects of the global financial crisis
The causes and effects of climate change
The causes and effects of the Vietnam War
The causes and effects of the September 11 terrorist attacks
The causes of the global financial crisis
The effects of climate change
The effects of poverty on society
The effects of war on society
The effects of technology on society
The effects of advertising on society
The effects of the media on society
The effects of food on the body
The effects of alcohol on the body
The effects of smoking on the body
The causes of the World War II
The causes of the World War I
The causes of the Civil War
The causes of the American Revolution
The causes of the French Revolution
The causes of the Russian Revolution
The causes of the Industrial Revolution
The causes of the Great Depression
The effects of the Chernobyl disaster on the environment
The effects of the Chernobyl disaster on the people
The effects of the Chernobyl disaster on the economy
The effects of the Chernobyl disaster on the wildlife
The effects of the Chernobyl disaster on the government
The effects of the Chernobyl disaster on the future
What makes a person to be a good leader
What makes a person to be a good parent
What makes a person to be a good friend
What makes a person to be a good teacher
What makes a person to be a good doctor
What makes a person to be a good artist
What makes a person to be a good writer
What makes a person to be a good musician
What makes a person to be a good athlete
What makes a person to be a good scientist
What makes a person to be a good programmer
What makes a person to be a good student
What makes a person to be a good person
What makes a person to be a good citizen
What makes a person to be a good neighbor
What makes a person to be a good friend
What is the cause of the increase in mental health problems in young people?
What is the cause of the increase in the number of people with mental health problems?

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